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[1] K. Ito, Y. Zhang, H. Itsuji, T. Uezono, T. Toba, and M. Hashimoto, "Analyzing DUE Errors on GPUs with Neutron Irradiation Test and Fault Injection to Control Flow," IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, volume 68, number 8, pages 1668--1674, August 2021. [pdf]
[2] W. Liao, K. Ito, S. Abe, Y. Mitsuyama, and M. Hashimoto, "Characterizing Energetic Dependence of Low-energy Neutron-induced SEU and MCU and Its Influence on Estimation of Terrestrial SER in 65 nm Bulk SRAM," IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, volume 68, number 6, pages 1228-1234, June 2021. [pdf]
[3] T. Mahara, S. Manabe, Y. Watanabe, W. Liao, M. Hashimoto, T. Y. Saito, M. Niikura, K. Ninomiya, D. Tomono, and A. Sato, "Irradiation Test of 65 nm Bulk SRAMs with DC Muon Beam at RCNP MuSIC Facility," IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, volume 67, number 7, 1555 -- 1559, July 2020. [pdf]
[4] J. Kuroda, S. Manabe, Y. Watanabe, K. Ito, W. Liao, M. Hashimoto, S. Abe, M. Harada, K. Oikawa, and Y. Miyake, "Measurement of Single-Event Upsets in 65-nm SRAMs under Irradiation of Spallation Neutrons at J-PARC MLF," IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, volume 67, number 7, 1599 -- 1605, July 2020. [pdf]
[1] K. Takami, Y. Gomi, R. Yasuda, S. Abe, M. Itoh, H. Kanda, M. Fukuda, and M. Hashimoto, "Validating Terrestrial SER in 12- and 28-nm SRAMs Estimated by Simulation Coupled with One-Time Neutron Irradiation," Proceedings of European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), September 2024.
[2] R. Mizuno, M. Niikura, T. Y. Saito, T. Matsuzaki, S. Abe, H. Fukuda, M. Hashimoto, K. Ishida, N. Kawamura, S. Kawase, M. Oishi, P. Strasser, A. Sato, K. Shimomura, S. Takeshita, I. Umegaki, A. Hillier, T. Kawata, K. Kitafuji, Y. Yamaguchi, D. Tomono, and F. Minato, "In-Beam Activation Measurement of Muon Nuclear Capture Reaction on Si Isotopes," The workshop on frontier nuclear studies with gamma-ray spectrometer arrays (gamma24), March 2024.
[3] R. Mizuno, M. Niikura, T. Y. Saito, T. Matsuzaki, S. Abe, H. Fukuda, M. Hashimoto, K. Ishida, N. Kawamura, S. Kawase, M. Oishi, P. Strasser, A. Sato, K. Shimomura, S. Takeshita, I. Umegaki, A. Hillier, T. Kawata, K. Kitafuji, Y. Yamaguchi, D. Tomono, and F. Minato, "Muon Nuclear Capture Reaction on 28,29,30si," 2023 Fall meeting of APS DNP and JPS, November 2023.
[4] M. Niikura, R. Mizuno, S. Manabe, T. Y. Saito, T. Matsuzaki, S. Abe, H. Fukuda, M. Hashimoto, K. Ishida, A. Hillier, N. Kawamura, Y. Kawashima, S. Kawase, T. Kawata, K. Kitafuji, F. Minato, M. Oishi, P. Strasser, A. Sato, K. Shimomura, S. Takeshita, M. Tampo, D. Tomono, I. Umegaki, Y. Yamaguchi, and Y. Watanabe, "Nuclear Physics for Muon-Induced Soft Error," Workshop for Computational Technique for Negative Muon Spectroscopy and Elemental Analysis, August 2023.
[5] R. Mizuno, M. Niikura, T. Y. Saito, S. Abe, H. Fukuda, M. Hashimoto, K. Ishida, N. Kawamura, S. Kawase, T. Matsuzaki, M. Oishi, P. Strasser, A. Sato, K. Shimomura, S. Takeshita, and I. Umegaki, "Study of Muon Capture Reaction on Si Via In-Beam Muon Activation," Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS), June 2023.
[6] R. Mizuno, M. Niikura, T. Y. Saito, S. Abe, H. Fukuda, M. Hashimoto, K. Ishida, N. Kawamura, S. Kawase, T. Matsuzaki, M. Oishi, P. Strasser, A. Sato, K. Shimomura, S. Takeshita, and I. Umegaki, "Study of Muon Capture Reaction on Si Via In-Beam Muon Activation," Topical Workshops on Modern Aspects of Nuclear Structure, February 2023.
[7] R. Mizuno, M. Niikura, T. Y. Saito, S. Abe, H. Fukuda, M. Hashimoto, K. Ishida, N. Kawamura, S. Kawase, T. Matsuzaki, M. Oishi, P. Strasser, A. Sato, K. Shimomura, S. Takeshita, and I. Umegaki, "Measurement of Muon-Induced Nuclear Transmutation for Si Isotopes," Trans-scale Quantum Science Institute, November 2022.
[8] K. Ito, H. Itsuji, T. Uezono, T. Toba, M. Itoh, and M. Hashimoto, "Constructing Application-Level GPU Error Rate Model with Neutron Irradiation Experiment," Proceedings of European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), October 2022.
[9] M. Hashimoto, Y. Zhang, and K. Ito, "Neutron-Induced Stuck Error Bits and Their Recovery in DRAMs on GPU Cards," Proceedings of International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM), September 2022.
[10] H. Itsuji, T. Uezono, T. Toba, K. Ito, and M. Hashimoto, "Concurrent Detection of Failures in GPU Control Logic for Reliable Parallel Computing," Proceedings of International Test Conference (ITC), November 2020. [pdf]
[11] Y. Zhang, K. Ito, H. Itsuji, T. Uezono, T. Toba, and M. Hashimoto, "Fault Mode Analysis of Neural Network-Based Object Detection on GPUs with Neutron Irradiation Test," Proceedings of European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), October 2020.
[12] K. Ito, Y. Zhang, H. Itsuji, T. Uezono, T. Toba, and M. Hashimoto, "Analyzing DUE Errors with Neutron Irradiation Test and Fault Injection to Control Flow," Proceedings of European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), October 2020.
[13] S. Abe, T. Sato, J. Kuroda, S. Manabe, Y. Watanabe, W. Liao, K. Ito, M. Hashimoto, M. Harada, K. Oikawa, and Y. Miyake, "Impact of Hydrided and Non-Hydrided Materials Near Transistors on Neutron-Induced Single Event Upsets," Proceedings of International Symposium on Reliability Physics (IRPS), April 2020. [pdf]
[14] W. Liao, K. Ito, Y. Mitsuyama, and M. Hashimoto, "Characterizing Energetic Dependence of Low-Energy Neutron-Induced MCUs in 65 nm Bulk SRAMs," Proceedings of International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), April 2020. [pdf]
[15] T. Mahara, S. Manabe, Y. Watanabe, W. Liao, M. Hashimoto, T. Y. Saito, M. Niikura, K. Ninomiya, D. Tomono, and A. Sato, "Irradiation Test of 65-nm Bulk SRAMs with DC Muon Beam at RCNP-MuSIC Facility," Proceedings of European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), September 2019.
[16] K. Ito, W. Liao, M. Hashimoto, J. Kuroda, S. Manabe, Y. Watanabe, S. Abe, M. Harada, K. Oikawa, and Y. Miyake, "Characterizing Neutron-Induced SDC Rate of Matrix Multiplication in Tesla P4 GPU," Proceedings of European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), September 2019.
[17] J. Kuroda, S. Manabe, Y. Watanabe, K. Ito, W. Liao, M. Hashimoto, S. Abe, M. Harada, K. Oikawa, and Y. Miyake, "Measurement of Single-Event Upsets in 65-nm Bulk SRAMs under Irradiation of Spallation Neutrons at J-PARC MLF," Proceedings of European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), September 2019.
[18] K. Itoh, J. Yu, and M. Hashimoto, "Adapting Soft Cascade to Mac Operations of Convolutional Neural Networks," Proceedings of International Symposium on Multimedia and Communication Technology (ISMAC), August 2018.
[19] K. Hirosue, S. Ukawa, Y. Itoh, T. Onoye, and M. Hashimoto, "GPGPU-based Highly Parallelized 3D Node Localization for Real-Time 3D Model Reproduction," Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), pages 173--178, March 2017. [pdf]
[1] R. Mizuno, M. Niikura, T. Y. Saito, T. Matsuzaki, S. Abe, H. Fukuda, M. Hashimoto, K. Ishida, N. Kawamura, S. Kawase, M. Oishi, P. Strasser, A. Sato, K. Shimomura, S. Takeshita, I. Umegaki, A. Hillier, T. Kawata, K. Kitafuji, and D. Tomono, "ミューオン原子核捕獲反応による生成核分岐比の測定," 第12回停止・低速RIビームを用いた核分光研究会 (12th SSRI), September 2023.