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[1] T. Tanaka, M. Hashimoto, and Y. Takeuchi, "Linear Programming Based Reliable Software Performance Model Construction with Noisy CPU Performance Counter Values," Proceedings of Workshop on Synthesis and System Integration of Mixed Technologies (SASIMI), March 2021.
[2] S. Sombatsiri, J. Yu, M. Hashimoto, and Y. Takeuchi, "A Design Space Exploration Method of SoC Architecture for CNN-based AI Platform," Proceedings of Workshop on Synthesis and System Integration of Mixed Technologies (SASIMI), October 2019.
[1] T. Sato, M. Hashimoto, S. Tanakamaru, K. Takeuchi, Y. Sato, S. Kajihara, M. Yoshimoto, J. Jung, Y. Kimi, H. Kawaguchi, H. Shimada, and J. Yao, "Time-Dependent Degradation in Device Characteristics and Countermeasures by Design," Book chapter, VLSI Design and Test for Systems Dependability, Springer, August 2018.