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[1] Q Cheng, L. Lin, M. Huang, Q. Li, Z. Yang, L. Dai, H. Yu, Y-J. Chen, Y. Shi, and M. Hashimoto, "A 13-34 TOPS/W Edge-AI Processor Featuring Booth-Value-Confined Accelerator, Near-Memory Computing, and Contiguity-Aware Mapping," Technical Digest of Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC), 採録済.
[2] T. Imagawa, J. Yu, M. Hashimoto, and H. Ochi, "MUX Granularity-Oriented Iterative Technology Mapping for Implementing Compute-Intensive Applications on Via-Switch FPGA," Proceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), February 2021. [pdf]