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[1] S. Ninomiya and M. Hashimoto, "Accuracy Enhancement of Grid-Based SSTA by Coefficient Interpolation," IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, volume E93-A, number 12, pages 2441--2446, December 2010. [150.pdf]
[2] H. Kobayashi, N. Ono, T. Sato, J. Iwai, H. Nakashima, T. Okumura, and M. Hashimoto, "Proposal of Metrics for SSTA Accuracy Evaluation," IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, volume E90-A, number 4, pages 808--814, April 2007. [81.pdf]
[1] S. Ninomiya and M. Hashimoto, "Enhancement of Grid-Based Spatially-Correlated Variability Modeling for Improving SSTA Accuracy," Proceedings of IEEE International SOC Conference (SOCC), pages 337--340, September 2009. [141.pdf]